Sunday, December 31, 2006
Gopher Broke
Boost Your Car Remote Range!
Dear Yahoo!:
Why do dogs love to stick their heads out of car windows?
Bergholz, Ohio
Dear Tammy:
Everyone has witnessed the rapturous joy dogs experience while sticking their heads out of car windows. Amazingly, we couldn't find any scholarly research to explain the behavior. Here are three theories we came up with...
1. The sensation of a brisk wind against your face carrying with it scents and fast-moving sights is appealing to many humans. So imagine speeding against the wind with the ability to sniff up to a million times better and to perceive movement at a much quicker pace. For a dog, sticking its head out a moving car must be an all-around sense-sensation the magnitude of which we olfactory-challenged humans can only imagine!
2. Everyone wants a better view. Dogs are no different.
3. Dogs sense what every teen instinctively knows: it's inherently cooler to travel on wheels than by foot.
While dogs may love the easy rider sensation, some pup-lovers believe the practice isn't safe. They recommend doggie seat belts or crates be used. This may sound extreme, but some dogs have actually mastered the use of automatic windows. In fact, lawmakers in Pennsylvania may pass a law requiring dogs to be constrained while traveling in cars. Freedom-loving dogs had better watch out -- the K-9 unit may soon be on their tails.
This Guy Thinks Outside The Box
Angry British Telecom Customer
Guy Gets Owned By Treadmill
Saran Wrap Toilet Prank
West Virginia Saran Wrap
HD-DVD DRM copy protection broken
The video and link to download are currently listed at the forum where the announcement was made. The forum, Doom9 located at, is a known DVD hangout for those who like to discuss DVD movies, and technology. When this announcement was made originally, the first response made by user linx05 was “Is this for real?” Quickly other users downloaded the software and checked out the source code released with it. It is real. Watching the video, you see the software in action, and there is a promise of more code and maybe keys coming to the public in January.
According to the author, Muslix64, the process after some trial and error was easy, “It took me around a week to do. But I [had] wasted few days trying to work on too complicated [of an] approach. In fact, it is very simple.” According to him, the process and idea came to him after reading an online document about AACS.
“The program itself has nothing special. It simply implements the AACS decryption protocol. I have followed the freely available documents about AACS. Have a look at the trick is to find what they call the "Title keys.” So I figured out how to extract them.” However when asked about those title keys, or rather how to extract them, “I won't explain it in detail. Read the AACS doc first. You will understand.
The title keys are located on the disk in encrypted form, but for a content to be played, it has to be decrypted! So where is the decrypted version of the title key? Think about it...”
It is expected that the source code will be further developed, and that a user interface will soon be released. In addition, there are talks about ports to Linux, and OS X. One user, hechacker1, asked the most important question for those who are waiting, “So who is going to take this program to the next step?” The answer may be everyone or no one.
The download and source code are legal, regardless of what other stories about this say. This is because no decryption keys are released with it and the keys in the cfg file are all null. However, with the promise of more information coming in 2007, the growth of HD-DVD decryption source code may run away as DeCSS source did after it was released.
Analysts look at this topic two ways. Some say it was bound to happen because they warned Intel, Disney and others who had a hand in developing AACS, that it was doomed from the start because it shared similar encryption to other methods already public knowledge. Others say this might give the slow growth in the HD-DVD market its much needed push to make this a popular brand.
One doom9 forum member zilexa agrees, “Now that you made the playback of HD-DVD almost as easy as a normal DVD movie, this could very well be THE reason for people to upgrade to a HD-DVD player! (And since Bluray uses AACS as well this could mean the same thing for Bluray). Since there has not been a bump for HD-DVD and Bluray like there was when DVD was released, it didn't seem very realistic these new HD players would break through. But now with your work, this could lead to a breakthrough in the near future!”
This story will continue long into the coming year. As other coders use the source further develop the concept, and the Hollywood studios, and technology experts look to place a new method of encryption in players or HD-DVD movies to block this.
One thing is certain doom9 just got a whole slew of new readers, and members and the world will wait to see what comes next on January 2nd.
Next Ford Option: Microsoft Software?
As I read about this, two things popped into my head:
Point one. Back in the late 1990s, Microsoft launched a car electronics platform called AutoPC, based on Windows CE, with much fanfare; it did turn into a commercial product from Clarion, but seemingly went absolutely nowhere. (At the time, I attended a demo at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond--the main thing I remember is the synthesized voice it used, which sounded like an angry porpoise.)
Which is not to say that Sync is doomed to join AutoPC in the dustbin of Microsoft-product history. For one thing, between stuff like GPS and wireless broadband and Bluetooth, the technologies and applications available for car electronics have come a heck of a long way since 1998. Whether Sync will do interesting things and do them well I don't know, but there's no lack of interesting things that could be done.
Point two. One of the most oft-repeated, entertaining technology-related urban legends involves a long series of jokes relating to comparing Microsoft products with cars. (The legend involves GM, not Ford, but hey, it's close enough.)
As often is the case with urban legends, there's a real point hidden somewhere in the fantasy. And that point is that we expect Microsoft products to misbehave and annoy us and generally do things which, if they happened with cars, would be alarming or downright dangerous.
I haven't seen Sync yet, assuming that it exists and will indeed be called Sync. But I'll be intrigued to see if it's simple, reliable, and useful. And if Sync is indeed the name, it's kinda interesting that it's a name that doesn't bring up Windows and all the baggage that brand carries.
Anyhow, I'm going to CES in less than two weeks, and if Sync is indeed unveiled there, I'll be happy. The show has a gigantic hall devoted to car-related products, and as a technology guy, I'm always disappointed by it, since the products that fill it almost always seem to lag far behind the interesting things that could be done with data, networking, and entertainment in an automobile. (We're talking about an industry which hasn't even made an AUX-IN port standard equipment yet.)
I'll be glad when that hall is full of stuff worth writing about in PC World--and Sync would be, if nothing else, a step in the right direction...
Stephanie's Drinks From Zeke Quezada
Jack & Coke
- 1 part(s) Jack Daniels
- 1 part(s) Coke or Other Soft Drink
Sex on the Beach (NYC Style) - 3/4 oz Vodka
- 3/4 oz Peach Schnapps
- Half glass(es) Cranberry Juice
- Half glass(es) Orange Juice
Sex on the Beach 1
- 1 oz Vodka
- 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
- 1 dash(es) Grenadine
- Fill glass(es) Orange Juice
Slow Comfortable Screw Against A Wall
- 1 part(s) Orange Juice
- 1-1/2 oz Vodka
- 1-2 splash(es) Sloe Gin
- 1-2 splash(es) Southern Comfort
- 1-2 splash(es) Galliano
Directions/Comments: A variation on a classic, mix all over ice and enjoy!
Fuzzy Navel
- 1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
- Fill part(s) Orange Juice
Rag Pussy
- 3/4 oz Malibu Rum
- 3/4 oz Razzmatazz or Chambord
- 1 dash(es) Goldschlager or Peppermint Schnapps
- 1 dash(es) 7-Up
- 1 dash(es) Cranberry Juice
Directions/Comments: Shaken and poured into shooter glass
Chicken Piss
- 2 shot(s) Tequila
- Fill glass(es) Apple Juice
Wrinkled Pecker
- 1/2 shot(s) Rumplemintz
- 1/2 shot(s) Apple Pucker
Hooker with a Penis
- 4 oz Jack Daniels
- 2 oz Apple Pucker
- 6 oz Coke
Blue Balls
- 2 shot(s) Vodka
- 1 part(s) Blue Razzberry Kool-Aid
- 1 part(s) Blue Curacao
- 1 part(s) Bailey's Irish Cream
- 1 part(s) Amaretto
Grandma's Ass Sweat
- 3/4 pint(s) Old English Malt Liquor
- 1 oz Bombay Sapphire Gin
- 1 oz Bacardi Rum 151
- 1-2 splash(es) Dr. Pepper
Directions/Comments: Mix the Old English, gin, and rum in the glass (chilled). Splash the Dr. Pepper and lick Grandma's ass!
White Silk Panties
- 1 part(s) Vodka
- 1 part(s) Peach Schnapps
- 1 part(s) 7-Up
Directions/Comments: In a shaker mix equal parts of each and shake with ice, pour into shot glass.
Brazen Hussy
-1 part vodka
-1 part triple sec
1 ½ part lemon juice
Shake into a glass
- 2 oz Rye Whiskey
- 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth
- 1 dash(es) Angostura Bitters (optional)
Directions/Comments: Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Can substitute bourbon instead of rye.
Food Network's favorite cocktails to kick off your new year
Drink Recipes
Classic Champagne Cocktail
The Classic Gin Martini
Cuba Libre
Kir Royale
Slippery Fish
Absinthe Suisse Cocktail
Frozen Peach Champagne Cocktails
The Trifecta Cocktail
Mario's 1000 Proof Negroni Cocktail - My favorite
Pear Brandy Champagne Cocktail
Emeril's Ruby Red Rocket Cocktail
Click here to take you to the Recipes on
What is a Hangover?
- Headache
- Poor sense of overall well-being
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Trembling
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Dehydration(dry mouth, extreme thirst, dry eyes)
- Trouble concentrating
- Anxiety
- Difficulty sleeping
- Weakness
The most common symptoms are headache, fatigue and dehydration, and the least common is trembling. The severity and number of symptoms varies from person to person; however, it is generally true that the more alcohol a drinker consumes, the worse the hangover will be.
It usually takes five to seven cocktails over the course of four to six hours to cause a hangover for a light-to-moderate drinker (a man who drinks up to three alcoholic beverages a day or a woman who drinks up to one). It may take more alcohol for heavier drinkers because of increased tolerance. Other than the number of drinks consumed, hangovers can be made worse by:
- drinking on an empty stomach
- lack of sleep
- increased physical activity while drinking (dancing, for example)
- dehydration before drinking
- poor health
The reason for some symptoms isn't fully understood, but research has led scientists to have a pretty good understanding of the primary causes of a hangover.
Ask Yahoo!:
How can I name a star?
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Dear Marie:
You can name any star you like, but it's virtually impossible to get anyone else, much the less international authorities, to recognize your star name. Many companies will gladly take your money so they can "register" your choice of name for a particular star. This star naming is promoted as a great gift for all occasions. But none of these companies have any authority over official star names.
To shine some light on this issue, we consulted that master of exposing chicanery, Cecil Adams at the Straight Dope. He points out that the only body with the authority to name stars is the International Astronomical Union (IAU). This organization doesn't sell names for stars or any other celestial object, and doesn't recognize the names sold by any purported star-registry companies.
Stars are named according to internationally accepted rules. A few bright stars have widely known names that were given centuries years ago, such as Betelgeuse and Polaris (also called the North Star). But most stars have no proper name and never will. Instead, stars are assigned catalog numbers and are identified by their position in the sky.
Since the 1970s, various businesses have claimed to sell star names. But what these companies actually do is write your star name down in a book and randomly assign you a star. Some businesses suggest that your star name is official because the book that lists your star name is then registered with the copyright office of the U.S. Library of Congress. In reality, this doesn't confer legitimacy on your star name -- any book can be copyrighted and registered with the Library of Congress. Other companies say their list of registered star names will be kept for eternity in a secure vault or perpetual database for future generations. That may be true, but none of this means that any government, astronomical group, or space agency on Earth will refer to "your" star by "your" name.
The IAU disassociates itself from the practice of selling star names and says, "like true love and many other of the best things in human life, the beauty of the night sky is not for sale, but is free for all to enjoy."
Some funny pics i found on
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Dear Yahoo!:
How can I break into TV and commercial voice-overs?
Chicago, Illinois
Dear Patrick:
Doing voice-overs, or announcing, is a very difficult field to crack. The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook lists some facts you may want to consider before plunging down this career path:
Announcer jobs will continue to be hard to come by.
The best opportunities are at small-market stations that don't pay well.
Employment is projected to decline.
Not to mention that not just any old bozo with a good voice can be an announcer. Employers actually expect candidates to have other abilities like excellent pronunciation, correct grammar, good timing, proper diction, and, of course, some experience.
So where do you get experience? Formal broadcast training from a college, tech school, or private broadcast school is valuable. A degree in communications, journalism, or broadcasting can also help.
If you do decide to take the plunge, consider starting in a small market. As you gain experience, you may find other opportunities in larger markets. An agent may also help your career advancement.
Oh, and a little luck wouldn't hurt either.
Google "busted"
UPDATE: The translation is absolutely correct. Obviously the person who sent in the clip knew what he/she was doing and did it as a prank. "La mama" without the accent over the "a" means breast which comes from the verb "mamar" which means "to suck" or "breast feed" This person could have used "la madre" for mother, which is a much more common word in Spanish and it would have translated perfectly. Accents in spanish are very important since they can completely change the meaning a word as it has in this case.
Cheating Wife
Dont Rob This Guy
Homo Boxer Knock Out
Guy Orders Everything At McDonalds
Cops Knock Out Drunk Guy
Crazy Accident Compilation
Twisted Sisters
Driver Gets Hit By Semi Tire
Cop Gets Tazered By Fellow Officer
Only If This Worked
Big Boy Gets Tazered
Cops Use Tazer On Runaway Gunman
Crazy Fitness Chick
Bee Cookout
A few minutes later they had calmed down. We were guessing they were disturbed from their hive and decided to come here, or something.
This is where the bees were coming from. A hole in the house behind my sister's place. We told the landlady about it and she didn't seem to care or want to be bothered that she was renting a house to people that had fucking BEES living inside it.
The neighbor called a bee removal company and they said they wouldn't come out unless we paid a hefty fee, but he did recommend waiting until dark and go buy some stuff from Home Depot and squirt them with it and that should kill them off.
Well that plan was OK except for 2 things. 1 was that my sister's husband is crazy. The 2nd thing is we didn't want to wait that long nor spend any money.
So we did the next best thing. Started fucking with the bees.
My bro in law chucks a tennis ball at the clump of bees, that was the size of a basketball. He knocked off a fist sized clump of bees, which eventually just flew back up into the main clump.
That was pretty boring, so we decide to try something a little bigger....
CLANG! We have bees in freefall! Did I mention he is severely allergic to bees?
Pile O Bees
The bees dust themselves off, and resume taking over the swingset. Every single one pretty much flew back up into a ball of bee death. At this point it was clear these little assholes weren't getting the message. Their arrival in my sister's property was an act of agression, and we weren't going to stand for it. So it was time for some redneck engineering:
Bee incinerator contraption:
- 30 feet of rope
- 1 large fire pit
- 1 science project board
- miscellaneous rags and a bedsheet
- gas
Fill 'er up! Slide the incinerator under the bees and....
Amazingly some bees still survived the first wave. What should we do next?
The next ingredient is 1.5 quarts of PAINT THINNER
OH YES!!!!
Tonight we are having Roast Bee
The Aftermath.
Number of allied casualties (er, stings): 0
Number of bees killed: est. 10,000
Number of bee survivors: about 25 or so
The day Michael Savage was fired.
Track list:
1. "Harambee Niggas" (featuring JR Writer)
2. "A Dipset Kwanzaa"
3. "Kugi-Pop-A-Nigga" (featuring Cam’Ron & Hell Rell)
4. "Light That Shit(Dem Candles)"
5. "My First Kufi" (featuring Nas)
6. "Cook Coke For Kwanzaa" (featuring Juelz Santana)
7. "Dashiki Cost A Mil"
8. "Ballin on Kwanzaa" (featuring Akon)
9. "Bohoe Bitches’"
10. "We Fly High Kwanzaa Remix" (featuring Ja Rule,Lil Romeo, & K-Fed)
Maybe a parody, but hilarious though. WTF is up with the last track "ft K-Fed"???
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
How To? Dowload Videos
How To? Dowload Videos - video powered by Metacafe
Add a dash of color to black-and-white photos
Life Hacker's: Top 10 open source Windows apps (Geek to Live)
1. Mozilla Firefox (Web browser)
Crikey, another Firefox plug! Yeah, we love the 'fox, and we'll keep talking about it until EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU USES IT. It really just doesn't get any better when it comes to a cross-platform, open source web browser.
2. Mozilla Thunderbird (Email client)
Firefox's much less celebrated little brother is one helluva email client. We especially like its customizable message filters, built-in adaptive Junk mail filter and ability to install useful add-ons (like Firefox).
3. Open Office (Office suite)
Used to be that anyone who wanted to open a Word document had to drop a few Benjamins on Microsoft Office or risk pirating it. No more - Open Office is a free alternative to M$ Office for students, freelancers and poor people just wanting to save their spreadsheet as an .xls.
4. Gaim (Instant messenger)
Chat on any service you'd like - AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, Jabber, ICQ - with this multi-platform, tabbed IM client.
5. ClamWin (Antivirus)
Norton bugging you again to break out the credit card and subscribe? Uninstall! ClamWin is free anti-virus software with automatic updates and scheduled scans, no credit card required.
6. VLC Media Player (Audio/video player)
Got a video or audio file Windows Media Player or Quicktime can't play? Betcha VLC can.
7. KeePass (Password manager)
Another app you really don't hear a lot about, but for anyone with more than 6 different passwords, KeePass is indispensable. Check out my previous feature, Securely track your passwords for more on using KeePass.
8. Cygwin (Unix command line emulator)
That DOS command line just doesn't cut it. Wanna turn into a CLI ninja on your PC? You need Cygwin. (For more on using Cygwin, check out these previously-posted Cygwin tutorials part 1, part 2 and part 3.)
9. Eraser (Data deletion utility)
Before you donate, sell or trash your hard drive, you want to make sure there are no traces of your naughty private data on it. Eraser uses the same algorithm the government uses to wipe your hard drive clean.
10. TrueCrypt (File encryption utility)
You've got a folder full of files you don't want anyone to access but you. Lock it (or an entire thumb drive) up with the free TrueCrypt software. Check out the previously-posted Encrypt your data article for more on using TrueCrypt.
(Full Story)
Smokin' Aces Trailer ... Check it Out!!!
Quick News:
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
How To Hack Into A Soda Machine
Little Kid Has Got Game
More Commericals
Banned Chrysler Concorde commerical
Funny Commerical
Funny Commericals
Pepsi vs Coca Cola
Banned NHL commerical
How To Get a Fake IP Address
Operation relliM
9 days, 12 people, 600 galvanised screws, 1 dream, 1 prank.
Pool Table Nickel Trick
Ask Yahoo!:
Who said, "Actions speak louder than words"?
Limerick, Ireland
Dear Aisling:
Talk about a catch-all expression. This proverb can refer to leadership, nuclear deals, taking a stand -- or not, and judo. But, as you might expect, the notion of "What you do means more than what you say" predates modern American culture.
The 16th-century French writer Michel de Montaigne, who is generally credited with inventing the essay, proclaimed, "Saying is one thing and doing is another." And before him, St. Francis of Assisi, who embodied this principle, is widely credited with saying, "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."
The present English version of this proverb might date to 1736, but versions of this wisdom are found in many languages and lands, even ancient Greece. Precisely who first said it may be lost to time, but it's a little more certain who first published it on on American shores. In his 1692 book Will and Doom, Gersham Bulkeley wrote, "Actions are more significant than words."
Wanted for Murder
Ten Thousand Coin Dominoes
Truly Amazing Blind Kid
McDonalds Drive Thru Song
Cops gets fired...
Students Parachute Out Library Window
Son Crashes New Car Into Garage
Very Lucky Store Clerk
Anaconda Vs Jaguar
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Funny Ballon Prank
Bad Day at Work
Crane Drops Steam Roller
OK Go-- Video Made The Internet Star
This will save the Earth
Amazing Dice Stacking Skills
Awkward Moment In The Workplace
Huge Underwater Explosion
Funny Answer on Family Feud
Dear Yahoo!:
Do teachers pay less money on car insurance? If so why?
Dear Emily:
We assume you're either a teacher who believes the least society can do for the put-upon members of your profession is cut them a break on insurance, or a student hoping teachers pay through the nose just like the rest of us. No matter. We found that some insurers do indeed offer discounts to teachers.
An article on MSN Money told us "Horace Mann Insurance...offers discounts to teachers who belong to state education associations or the National Education Association... (also) available of its two subsidiaries -- Allegiance Insurance or Teachers Insurance." Why? "...discounts...are based on some assumptions the company made about teachers: They have a stable occupation, stable employment, and they understand they are under scrutiny by the community."
Some insurers will also cut premiums for engineers, as, according to, "drivers that work as engineers tend to get into fewer accidents." In fact, according to at least one insurance company, a correlation between occupation and risk exists right down the line. Thus, scientists usually pay the lowest rate, business owners the highest. Besides job type, other factors that can affect the cost of your premium include geographic location, driving record, prior claims, credit history, gender, age, car make and model, and whether or not you're Mel Gibson. Happy check writing.
Corvette Crashes Into Semi At 165MPH
Super High Powered Flashlight
Amazing MSPaint Skills
Absolutely Amazing Christmas Lights Show
UPDATE: This show is great, its just north of Toronto.
You're not Superman....
Monday, December 25, 2006
Legendary Singer James Brown Dies
For the full story log on:
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Dear Yahoo!:
How is a plane de-iced?
Fearful Flyer
Dear Fearful:
Carefully, we hope.
Actually, the answer to your timely question includes a lesson in choosing your keywords wisely. A search on "plane de-ice" was not specific enough so we tried again, with the more focused "airplane de-ice."
Included in the new search results was a link to an article titled "Keeping ice off airplane wings," from the archives of Mechanical Engineering magazine. An accompanying photograph shows a team working on the wings of a grounded plane. The caption reads:
In conventional deicing, crews use heated glycol-based fluids to remove existing ice, then coat the airplane with ice suppressants to prevent new ice from forming.
The article, which is a brief look at new technologies developed to detect ice on wings, also states that "[in-flight] ice is removed with engine heat or by inflating rubber bladders, called pneumatic boots, installed along the wings."
We returned to our search results hoping for more answers and found a report on Aircraft Icing provided by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). The "Deicing and Anti-Icing Equipment" section of the site included additional details about those little rubber bladders and boots, among other things.
In answering your question, we also learned a lesson in the relationship between keywords and spelling. Apparently there is no hyphen in "deice." So we searched on "airplane deice" and found a scattering of results that seem to corroborate our earlier findings.