Dear Yahoo!:
How can I keep my cats out of the Christmas tree?
Taylor, Michigan
Dear Paul:
Cats have a well-earned reputation for curiosity. Sometimes that results in cute mischievousness ("Oh, look, honey! Fluffy found the yarn!"). Other times, especially around the holidays, a cat's knack for finding trouble can be both annoying and dangerous.
We tracked down a list of ways to discourage cats from snooping around the tree at wikiHow. The site mentions everything from the irritatingly obvious (keep your cat away from the tree) to the not so widely known (place orange peels under the tree -- cats apparently hate the smell of citrus). has a similar list. Among its many gems:
1. Use a wide base on your tree to prevent climbing kitties from tipping it over.
2. Fasten the top of the tree to the ceiling with fishing line.
3. Lay aluminum foil on the floor. Cats don't like it.
4. Don't use tinsel. Cats can, and often do, choke on it.
To cats, a Christmas tree is more attractive than the snooze button on a Monday morning. But the above tips should help keep your tree safe from even the most adventurous feline. If not, perhaps it's time to switch to a greased up Festivus pole.
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