Sunday, December 10, 2006

Product puts fish in toilet

WESTMINISTER, Calif. (UPI) -- AquaOne Technologies, Inc., based in Westminster, Calif., has unveiled a product that allows consumers to put fish in the toilet while they're still alive.

The Fish-n-Flush toilet tank contains a fully functioning aquarium and is designed to replace most standard tanks, the company said.

"We wanted to develop a product that had a dual purpose -- to serve as a proper, fully functional toilet and also as a source of entertainment and conversation," says Richard Quintana, chief executive officer of AquaOne. "Fish-n-Flush is definitely an attention-getter."

The aquarium, designed to accommodate fresh, salt, warm and tropical water, is part of a two-piece tank that allows the toilet to function normally without interfering with the aquarium. It features a clear exterior to allow for viewing of the fish and comes with gravel, two plastic nine-inch plants, a dual filter system, LED lighting, a built-in feeder, fill valve, overflow tube, flapper, suction pump and two screws.

Quintana said the product, which retails for $299, serves as "a fun fashion statement for the homeowner who wants to have something unique."

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